Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) transceiver mods reviews software and diagrams

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22 February 2025, 9:46 UTC 



Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H)
Programming interface schematics for Icom:
Programming software for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :
PDF User Manual for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :
PDF Service Manual with schematics for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :

Mods for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) Leistungsregelung
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) extended receive/transmit modification
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) cross band repeat modification
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) display board
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) Test results
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) 1750Hz on IC-820, modif

Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) technical specifications :  Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) technical specifications

Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) 1750Hz on IC-820, modif

Here a description how to activate the 1750Hz tone call with a US IC-820

I've made those modifications with a IC-820 #13 (written on the cover)

  1. remove the top and the back cover of the 820.
  2. remove the 2 screws on the left and on the right on the front panel Now you see the printed circuit board which is on the other side of the front side of the 820.
  3. locate the 8 diodes located near the U-shape hole on the circuit. starting from the hole they are :
          /-----                                             I
          I     I    D D D D D D D D                          I
          I     I    2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2                         ---
          I     I    2 5 3 6 4 7 0 8         all diodes :     /
       D22 : When soldered, Europe version, activate the 1750
       D25 : When not soldered, RX on VHF from 136 to 174 MHz
       D23 : When soldered, USA version, activate the Sub-tone on TX
       D26 : When not soldered, RX on UHF from 420 to 460 MHz
       D24 : ? who knows ?, not soldered
       D27 : When not soldered, TX on VHF from 136 to 174 MHz
       D30 : When soldered, activate the transponder
       D28 : When not soldered, TX on UHF from 420 to 460 MHz
    The initial matrix on a US-820 (from D22 to D28) OFF ON ON  ON OFF ON OFF ON
                       on a European 820             ON  ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON
  4. to activate the 1750, remove the diode on D23 and put it on D30. You don't need to either reset the 820 or remove the battery. You have now a quiet 1750Hz when you push the TONE button, and a standard Europe bandwith on VHF and UHF (144-146, 430-440 MHz)
  5. Now we need to boost the modulated 1750Hz, to do so, you have to short two resistors : R80 100k, located near J16,J1 which is between R79 and R29. Also R17 1k, located near IC11, IC8.
  6. Now the level is near to correct. If you whish, you could trim with R64. It's an adjustable resistor marked STBN located on the large printed circuit board on the bottom of the 820.
Remember that you lose the capability of sub-tone on TX (CTCSS), but not on RX, if you have the optional module installed.

What to say more ? It's works fine on my old-US-820 !!!