Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) transceiver mods reviews software and diagrams

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22 February 2025, 9:46 UTC 



Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H)
Programming interface schematics for Icom:
Programming software for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :
PDF User Manual for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :
PDF Service Manual with schematics for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :

Mods for Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) :
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) Leistungsregelung
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) extended receive/transmit modification
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) cross band repeat modification
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) display board
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) Test results
    Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) 1750Hz on IC-820, modif

Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) technical specifications :  Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) technical specifications

Icom IC-820H (IC 820 H IC820H) display board

The following is a partial, not-to-scale, parts placement layout of the IC-820H DISPLAY UNIT circuit board (bottom view). The DISPLAY UNIT is the large circuit board that is located directly behind the front panel. Locating the following four distinctive parts will ensure you have the right diodes: the main dial encoder, the microphone compression level variable resistor (R101), J10 a ten pin header and a row of surface mount resistors immediately above J10.

CAUTION: These diodes are NOT labelled sequential! Ensure you are certain of which diode you wish to remove.

    UHF TX -->  -[  []-  D28                                           |
    CB RPT -->           BLANK                                         |
    VHF TX -->  -[  []-  D27                  -----                    |
                -[  []-  D24         [R106]   |1o |                    |
    UHF RX -->  -[  []-  D26         [R107]   | o |                    | B
                -[  []-  D23         [R108]   | o |           MIC      | O
    VHF RX -->  -[  []-  D25         [R90 ]   | o | J        COMP      | T
    NOTE 2 -->  -[  []-  D22         [R91 ]   | o | 1        ------    | T
                                     [R92 ]   | o | 0       |      |   | O
                                     [R93 ]   | o |         | R101 []- | M
                                     [R94 ]   | o |         |      |   |
                                     [R95 ]   | o |          ------    |
                                              | o |                    | E
                                              -----                    | D
                                                                       | G
                                                                       | E
                       /-------------------------------------|         |
                     /                                       |         |
                   /                                         |         | O
                 /                                           |         | F
               /                                             |         |
              |                  E N C O D E R               |         |
              |                                              |         | C
              |                  O P E N I N G               |         | A
                                                            |         | R
                                                            |         | D
                                                            |         |
                                                            |         |
                       -------------------------------------|         |

Note 1: The IC-820H Service Manual calls this board the "DISPLAY unit" and the modifications call it the "logic board"; they are one and the same.

Note 2: Diode D22 is listed as "[EUR],[AUS] only" in the IC-820H Service Manual.