Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) transceiver mods reviews software and diagrams

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22 February 2025, 9:38 UTC 



Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575)
Programming interface schematics for Icom:
Programming software for Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) :
PDF User Manual for Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) :
PDF Service Manual with schematics for Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) :

Mods for Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) :
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) General Coverage TX Modification
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Pass band Tuning Modification
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Power control modification
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Restoration of pass band tuning
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Splitting into RX- and TX paths
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Modification of cw pass band (BFO)
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Disabling of SBB squelch
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Very fast AGC
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) SSB RF Gain
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Tuning speed
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Frequency range & CTCSS tones
    Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Freq. steps mod

Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) technical specifications :  Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) technical specifications

Icom IC-575 (IC 575 IC575) Freq. steps mod

Tuning steps change for all mode Icom IC-275/475/575/1275

The IC-275/475 FM-Step selectmatrix use these diodes on the front unit: (type 1SS53) D41, D42, D43, D44, (D45), D46

Note: diode D45 is not present but solder holes exist for it on the board just between D44 e D46

installed diodes are marked with X :
                (*)     (*)
D41 D42 D43 D44 D45 D46 D48    Steps     DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7
 .   .   .   .   .   .   .    10.0  Hz
 .   .   .   X   .   .   .   100.0  Hz    1   0   0   0
 .   X   .   .   .   .   .     1.0 KHz    0   0   1   0
             X   .   X   .     5.0 KHz    1   0   1   0
 .   .   .   .   X   .   .    10.0 KHz    0   1   0   0
 .   .   .  (*)  X   X   .    12.5 KHz   (*)  1   1   0
 .   .   .   .   .   .   X    25.0 KHz    0   0   0   1
 X   .   X   .   .   .   .     1.0 MHz    0   1   0   1

To set a step of 12.5 KHz in FM mode (TS button off) it is not necessary disconnect the diode D44, just insert the diode D45 (IN4148 or similar) near D44 and "voil? les jeux sont faits".
Unscrew the two lateral screws and unlock the front panel.
Remove also all the connectors of the front board and after that unscrew ALL the screws of the metallic shield covering the front board. It seems too much complicated insert the diodes from the component side of the front board, so it is better insert D45 from the solder side.