Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) user and service manual, modifications

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22 February 2025, 9:25 UTC 



Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII)
Programming interface schematics for Icom:
Programming software for Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) :
PDF User Manual for Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) : Icom IC-756 PRO II Instruction Manual
PDF Adjusments Procedures Manual with schematics for Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) :
Schematics for Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) :

Mods for Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) : 
   Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) 6M oscillation problem
   Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) TX expand on IC 756PROII #23 EU models
   Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) TX mods 100 Khz - 60 MHz

Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) technical specifications :  Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) technical specifications

Icom IC-756 PRO II (IC 756 PRO II IC756PROII) TX expand on IC 756PROII #23 EU models

If you have an IC756PROII version #23 EU-model and want expand the TX range: Read my article placed for IC756PRO and change the diode-row according to "after version 3" mod. You've to remove 3 diodes ( D3752,3753 and 3754).

Your Icom IC756PROII version #23 EU is original like the dioderow "version #03 before modification" that you can read in the article .

The tx-range is 1,6 Mc - 30 Mc & 50 Mc - 54 Mc when you execute the mod.
Download B&B Technical Services Amateur Radio Repair article about this mod. There is more picture in the PDF file.