This is an attempt to document all of the known key sequences for the ICO
IC24AT (144/440MHz dual band hand held). Some key sequences may be common
with the IC[2,3,4]SAT, therefore a fewkey seqences fr thoseradios re also
on this list. Some ke sequenes requre optins (such as the PL encode/decode
This is not designed to replace the owners manual, but to summarize the
information in one place.
Note: Many controls vary depending on the current mode, i.e.: Scan up/down
will search frequencies when in VFO mode, and will scan meory channels when
in Memory mode. Consult the owners guide for complete iformation.
KEY/COMBINATION = Result, action
---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
0-9,A,B,C,D,#,* = note: when transmitting these will generate DTMF tones
0-9 = Enter frequency (can also use the VFO knob)
A = VFO mode / clear incomplete entry
B = Memory mode
C = VHF / UHF change
D = Call channel
* = Step frequency down/scan down
# = Step frequency up/scan up
MONI = Open squelch and change to input frequency (if not simplex)
while button is depressed
H/L/DTMF = Select High/Low power, or (while transmitting) send
preprogrammed DTMF codes
FUNC + 0 = Dial set
FUNC + 1 = PL enable (when option is installed)
FUNC + 2 = Code squelch [NOT for the IC24AT, IC[2,3,4]SAT option only]
FUNC + 3 = Skip memory
FUNC + 4 = Duplexoperatin
FUNC + 5 = Code [NOT for the IC24AT, IC[2,3,4]SAT option only]
FUNC + 6 = Mask freuency
FUNC + 7 = Priority mode on/off (operation dependent on current mode)
FUNC + 8 = Set mode (several different functions, press A to exit)
FUNC + 9 = Real time clock and timer functions (press PTT to exit)
FUNC + A = Memory to VFO transfer
FUNC + B = Memory Write
FUNC + C = Split operation (cross band full duplex)
FUNC + D = Lock mode / Cross Band Repeat disable
FUNC + * = Scan programmed limits (down)
FUNC + # = Scan programmed limits (up)
FUNC + 5 + D = Cross Band Repeat enable (split mode must be on!)
Diode D14 (right diode on CPU board) must be removed to
enable the use of this function)
FUNC + MONI = RX/TX light enable / disable
FUNC + H/L/DTMF = Select DTMF Autodialer memory
Func + VFO knob = Change frequency/memory channel
(according to dial set, see FUNC+0)
Func + LIGHT = Lock light on (don't time out)
H/L/DTMF + VFO knob = Change output power (4 power levels when using 13.8 vdc)
The following key combinations selects "power on modes". Start with the radio
OFF, then hold down the indicated keys, and continue to hold them while turning
the power ON. Some 'modes' override others.
LIGHT + * = PTT enable
LIGHT + 0 = PTT Disabled (inhibits the transmitter, good security method)
LIGHT + 1 = 1 MHz digit set (4 digit frequency entry)
LIGHT + 2 = 10 MHz digit set (5 digit frequency entry)
LIGHT + 3 = 100 MHz digit set (6 digit frequency entry)
LIGHT + 4 = Scan pause until signal disappears
LIGHT + 5 = Scan pause for 10 seconds
LIGHT + 6 = ???? Unknown action
LIGHT + 7 = Power Save deactivated (use this for packet operation)
LIGHT + 8 = Power Save (minimum - 0.125 / 0.5 second)
LIGHT + 9 = Power Save (maximum - 0.125 / 2.0 seconds)
LIGHT + A = ???? Unknown action
LIGHT + B = ???? Unknown action
LIGHT + C = ???? Unknown action
LIGHT + D = ???? Unknown action
LIGHT + # = ???? Unknown action
LIGHT + B + # = RX Extended Range enable
This requires that diode D13 is removed (left diode on
CPU board). Note that this diode has already been removed
by ICOM at the factory on many units. Be sure to hold
these keys down until the activity display stops and is
showing a receive frequency.
FUNC + A = Reset the CPU (this will clear all the memory channels to the
factory defaults)