Well at last guys I have sat down to work it out its just a matter of removing
all of the possible 7 programming diodes sounds simple well its not read on.
Well every one this is a really scary mod to do to the Q7. It is really not
for the faint hearted or any one that doesnĘt have a soldering iron tip less
than 0.9mm. I take no responsibility for these mods and am warning you that
it does void warranty! It is extremely easy do destroy something so be
CAREFUL !!!! This is only a description of what I found. Use this information
at you own risk! OK now!
With the radio face down antenna pointing away (this is the orientation the
unit will always be in when I refer to part location) remove the antenna and
pull the knob off.
Unscrew the switch and SMA ferruls. Cation the SMA ferrul is sealed with a
thread sealing compound.
Open the battery compartment and remove the batteries.
This will remove two screws. Remove them. Then the back can be lifted up and
towards you.
This will reveal a main board and a sub(RF) board mounted on top of it. Remove
the single visible screw on the RF board on the right hand side.
There are two points where the shielding has been soldered to the lower board.
On in the lower left corner above a ferrite inductor, the other in the upper
left near the blue assembly of the switch. Carefully desolder these with
desolder braid. (careful not to melt anything!)
carefully hinge the bottom of the RF board up till the connector in the middle
of the board disengages. Then push gently on the SMA connector and pull the RF
Board out.
Half way now.
Remove the screw on the right hand side central to the PTT and FUNC button.
And the one on the left just bellow the little shield. DO NOT REMOVE the two
top corner ones they hold the LCD assembly!!!
Desolder the two speaker wires from the speaker.
Lift the bottom of the board out till the LCD clears its mounts in the case
and pull the board out GENTLY so the rubber seal is not dislodged.
Turning this board over with the LCD now facing you there is position for 7
SMD diodes marked A or A2 on the right hand side just above the central
mounting point.
The easiest way of removing them without damaging the assembly is to desolder
one end with desoldering braid and the while heating the contact with the
soldering iron lift that end with a small pointy screw driver (0.7mm
jewellers are good!). They just need to clear the board by a fraction and
then they can be easily reinstalled if necessary.
Reverse this procedure to reassemble and be bloody carefull!!!.
In the European version (IC-Q7E) there are 3 diodes mounted.
Counting from the screwhole, there are # 1,3 and 7 installed.
Number 1 sets the VHF tx range to 144-146 MHz.
Number 3 sets the UHF tx range to 432-438 Mhz.
Number 7 enables the facilities dedicated to the E-version, 1750Hz etc...
So, if You want to keep the E-version don't remove #7.
Removing #1 and 3 enables tx range from 136-174 and 400-470 MHz.
For expanding only rx at the celluar band on 800 MHz, it seems to be another
mod. too.