Hello techno-freaks,
when you are trying to repair that old TS-930 here are some hints that might help you out...
- No display. This means one of the THREE (!) PLL's is out of lock. Service manuals gives nice hints about what frequency to set and how to adjust BUT.... how can you put the rig on a frequency without a display ???? Bad points kenwood !!!
The solution? Cut (or retract from the white plastic plug) the wire number 2 on connector 4 of the digital unit labelled 'UL'. Now the display reappears... and you can start adjusting.
- bad modulation due to crystal ageing. Impossible to adjust for the right frequency. Solution: replace C 348 from 33 pF to 18 pF. How? remove connector 11, 16 and 20 and all screws and then fold over IF/RF board.
- smoked R400 on RF-IF unit. I found this in all rigs I repaired. Replace by 1k5 1/2 Watt. Bad calculations kenwood...
- No power output. Too bad, you blew up your 28 Volt regulator transistors. The good news is you can replace them by 2N3771. The bad news? Your drivers MRF485 are also dead and these are no longer available, the expensive MRF485's seldom sold at the better dealers ARE NOT SUITABLE due to a far too high HFE. Repair is only possible following the instructions in my other mod: TS-930 power amplifier repair.