Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) user and service manual, modifications

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Yaesu VX 5 R (VX-5 R VX5R)
Programming interface schematics for Yaesu VX5 : programming interface, Yaesu VX5 4 pin plug
Programming software for Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) :
   Yaesu VX-5 Commander download
   Yaesu VX-5 EVE for MARS/CAP/Extended TX modification download
Note: A problem was discovered by Lawrence lately. This problem deals with the Home memory channels. If you do not upload the contents of your VX-5R to EVE first, then EVE defaults the Home channels to 0.00Mhz. When you try to access any home channel with 0.00Mhz in it, the radio will lock up. Most people have been uploading the contents of their VX-5R to EVE first, then editing their memory channels, so no problem will occur. The problem comes up when you open EVE and just start editing the memory channels with nothing uploaded to EVE. I recommend everyone first upload the memory contents to EVE first before editing anything. This holds true for "virgin" and well as programmed VX-5R's. Once you have saved your radios file in EVE, then everything should be just fine.
It is normal for newer VX-5R's when read by EVE, to show up as "Japan" instead of "USA" for its country code - this is normal. This has to do with the newer CPU's used in the newer VX-5R's. There is no need to select "USA" for it's country code, just select the 4th box for Mars/Cap, or select the 5th box for Freeband if you intend to mod your radio. Also, if you hold your mouse over any of the 5 boxes for a few seconds, text will pop up stating what each "virtual jumper" does.

PDF User Manual for Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) : Yaesu VX-5 Operating Manual
PDF Service Manual for Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R),schematics,PCB diagrams :  Yaesu VX-5 Service Manual (Technical Supplement)

Mods for Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) :
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) "IDIOT" - mod
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) Modification
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) MARS/CAP & freeband mod for Version 1, 2 & 3
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) expanded frequency mod
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) Loose antenna "cure"
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) Free Band
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) modification for German
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) Use Nokia 7110 Belt Clip
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) TX frequency expansion
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) Expanded range
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) PC software MARS/CAP or FREEBAND mods
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) Expanded frequency
   Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) Some modification does not work.!!

Yaesu VX-5 R (VX 5 R VX5R) technical specifications :  Yaesu VX 5-R (VX 5 R R VX5R) technical specifications

Type:Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range:TX: 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 0.5-15 / 48-999 MHz
RF Power output:Hi: 5/5/4.5 W
Low3: 2.5/2.5/2.5 W
Low2: 1/1/1 W
Low1: 0.3/0.3/0.3 W
Image rejection:N/A
Voltage:7.2 VDC (internal), 13.8 VDC (external)
Current drain:RX: Max 150 mA
TX: Max 1.9 A
Impedance:50 ohms, SMA
Dimensions (W*H*D):58*88*27 mm
Weight:255 gr
Manufactured:Japan, 199x-200x

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