The information is for the Yaesu FT-2800M
The hidden menu allows for adjustment of deviation, 4 output power levels and a few other things im not sure of. Warning, I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information or any damage to a radio, but it worked for me. I was told further information can be found in the service manual.
- Hold in "LOW" & "D/MR" buttons, power up radio and release.
- Push "MHZ" button one second.
- Goto selection 35 in menu "D/ASMT"
- Push "MHZ" once.
- Select MOD W in menu
** NOTE ** There is no visual indicator of deviation, a deviation meter should be used for proper alignment.
- To reduce deviation push "REV" button, to increase push "D/MR" button. (multiple times if needed)
- Key up radio and check.
- When deviation is set appropriately push "LOW" button to lock in.
- Push "MHZ" button to return to normal operation.