Here is a very simple way of taking audio direct from the discriminator.
Connect a flying lead to pin 9 QO8 (MC3357P). (To save you having to burrow,
just solder a lead on the IC pin itself).
Drill a 1/4 hole in the case between standby and speaker sockets. Insert
phono socket here and connect the flying lead and suitable Gnd.
Thats it, job done.
TxAudio input into FT790R Varactor diode for 9600 bauds
Here are the details to input 9600 buads into the 790.
Firstly make up the following circuit.
Txaudio----->---] ]------------------22k----->To FC53M
: : :
: 22k ---
: : --- 10p
: : :
TxAgnd--->----------------------------------->Chassis Gnd
When you make up the above circuit, you must use very short leads!!!!