Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) service menu

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12 March 2025, 8:01 UTC 



Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857)
Programming interface schematics for Yaesu: programming interface, Yaesu 4 pin plug
Programming software for Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) : Yaesu FT-857 soft jump for extended TX
PDF User Manual for Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) : Yaesu FT-857 Operating Manual
PDF presentation brochure for Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) : Yaesu FT-857 brochure
PDF Service Manual with schematics for Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) : Yaesu FT-857 Service Manual, schematics

Mods for Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857):
   Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) low frequency response in SSB
   Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) 40m band expansion 7.1 mhz 7.2 mhz transmit
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   Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) European FM Settings
   Yaesu FT897/857/817 (FT-897-857-817 FT897/857/817) Jumpers by Software
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   Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) Installing The Options
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Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) technical specifications : Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) technical specifications

Yaesu FT-857 (FT 857 FT857) Second menu - service menu

There is a second set of menu functions F01 to F74.

WARNING: changing these will reset all the memories.

I want to warn you do not change these values unless you are sure of what you are doing. To get them turn transceiver off. Press and hold the A,B,C keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the tranceiver On. Now let go of all keys. Attention, for menu NO-017. Input voltage 13.8V = 138 to calibre voltmeter.
Press F key to finish.

Function Setting in my radio

Adjust-No      Function            Setting  Mode    Frequency
NO-001         HF1-RXG             118        CW     1.800.00
NO-002         HF2-RXG             91         CW     7.068.19
NO-003         HF3-RXG             133        CW    21.225.13
NO-004         50M-RXG             106        CW    50.000.00
NO-005         VHF-RXG             77         CW   145.437.50
NO-006         UHF-RXG             103        CW   438.900.00
NO-007         SSB-S9              61         CW    21.225.13
NO-008         SSB-FS              54         CW    21.225.13
NO-009         FM-S1               68         FM   145.437.50
NO-010         FM-FS               99         FM   145.437.50
NO-011         DISC-L              50         FM   145.437.50
NO-012         DISC-H              79         FM   145.437.50
NO-013         FM-TH1              100        FM   145.437.50
NO-014         FM-TH2              100        FM   145.437.50
NO-015         FM-TI1              10         FM   145.437.50
NO-016         FM-TI2              10         FM   145.437.50
NO-017         VCC                 138        FM   145.437.50
NO-018         HF1-IC              83         CW     1.800.00
NO-019         HF2-IC              80         CW     7.068.19
NO-020         HF3-IC              87         CW    21.225.13
NO-021         50M-IC              84         CW    50.000.00
NO-022         VHF-IC              72         CW   145.437.50
NO-023         UHF-IC              74         CW   438.900.00
NO-024         HF1-PO-MAX          165        CW     1.800.00
NO-025         HF1-PO-MID2         105        CW     1.800.00
NO-026         HF1-PO-MID1         31         CW     1.800.00
NO-027         HF1-PO-MIN          13         CW     1.800.00
NO-028         HF2-PO-MAX          159        CW     7.068.19
NO-029         HF2-PO-MID2         102        CW     7.068.19
NO-030         HF2-PO-MID1         29         CW     7.068.19
NO-031         HF2-PO-MIN          11         CW     7.068.19
NO-032         HF3-PO-MAX          158        CW    21.225.13
NO-033         HF3-PO-MID2         101        CW    21.225.13
NO-034         HF3-PO-MID1         29         CW    21.225.13
NO-035         HF3-PO-MIN          11         CW    21.225.13
NO-036         50M-PO-MAX          145        CW    50.000.00
NO-037         50M-PO-MID2         92         CW    50.000.00
NO-038         50M-PO-MID1         47         CW    50.000.00
NO-039         50M-PO-MIN          8          CW    50.000.00
NO-040         VHF-PO-MAX          87         CW   145.437.50
NO-041         VHF-PO-MID          43         CW   145.437.50
NO-042         VHF-PO-MIN          7          CW   145.437.50
NO-043         UHF-PO-MAX          112        CW   438.900.00
NO-044         UHF-PO-MIN          16         CW   438.900.00
NO-045         HF1-TXG             48         USB    1.800.00
NO-046         HF2-TXG             38         USB    7.068.19
NO-047         HF3-TXG             43         USB   21.225.13
NO-048         50M-TXG             40         USB   50.000.00
NO-049         VHF-TXG             47         USB  145.437.50
NO-050         UHF-TXG             49         USB  438.900.00
NO-051         ALC1-M              203        USB   21.225.13
NO-052         ALC-M               85         USB   21.225.13
NO-053         HF1-REV-ALC         61         CW     1.800.00
NO-054         HF2-REV-ALC         56         CW     7.068.19
NO-055         HF3-REV-ALC         50         CW    21.225.13
NO-056         50M-REV-ALC         47         CW    50.000.00
NO-057         VHF-REV-ALC         62         CW   145.437.50
NO-058         UHF-REV-ALC         57         CW   438.900.00
NO-059         CW-CAR-LEVEL        144        CW    21.225.13
NO-060         AM-CAR-LEVEL        125        AM    21.225.13
NO-061         DEV-W               216        FM   145.437.50
NO-062         DEV-N               110        FM   145.437.50
NO-063         MOD-MTR             200        FM   145.437.50
NO-064         DTMF-DEV            10         FM   145.437.50
NO-065         CTCSS-DEV           233        FM   145.437.50
NO-066         DCS-DEV             168        FM   145.437.50
NO-067         LSB-CAR-POINT       -7         LSB   21.225.13
NO-068         USB-CAR-POINT       +5         USB   21.225.13
NO-069         VSWR2 at 10W        17         CW    14.257.90
NO-070         VSWR3 at 10W        42         CW    14.257.90
NO-071         ATAS-TEST                      LSB   14.257.90
NO-072         AMTR-TEST                      LSB   14.257.90
NO-073         HTEMP-THRESHOLD     38         LSB   14.257.90
NO-074         FTEMP-THRESHOLD     102        LSB   14.257.90

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