I own the B1 European version (Label outside the box indicates DST:EXP / TYP:B1). Prior to any modifications the transceiver’s jumpers was soldered on positions 2,4,5,7 (factory setting) and the unit was capable of working on the following frequencies ONLY!
50-52MHz (RX ONLY, NO TX Possible!)
144-146MHz (RX/TX)
430-440MHz (RX/TX)
Reception was NOT possible anywhere outside these limits!
In order to modify it you should:
- Unsolder every jumper
- Reset the transceiver by holding down MON/F + HM/RV + Internet Key and power up the transceiver
This will display the Vertex Standard logo instead of Yaesu. Bear in mind that resetting the transceiver by holding down 4 + BAND + V/M and powering up the transceiver WON’T work! It will just enter a curious set up:
- RX on all bands
- No WX Channels
- Menu Item Misc Setup 20: BEAT SQL (Instead of WX Alert)
- Menu Item Special Memory 6: JR (Instead of Marine)
- Menu Item Misc Setup 17: Japanese (Instead of English)
- Transmittion on 50-54MHz, 137-174MHz, 420-470MHz
After the aforementioned modification you will have continues RX coverage from 504KHz up to 999MHz (including analogue cellular frequencies - NO GAPS!)
Many thanks to Simeon Leriou, SV2GNM for his patience and his will.