This transceiver has several sub-menus for individual band alignment.
Enter alignment mode by pressing following key sequence:
Press & hold "left" band [VM] key and hyper memory [6] buttons while turning the radio on. Release keys when radio is on.
Then perform following key sequence:
"left" band [LOW] -» "left" band [V/M] -» "left" band [HM] -»
"left" band [SCN] -» "right" band [LOW] -» "right" band [V/M] -»
"right" band [HM] -» "right" band [SCN]
-» You are now in alignment mode.!
Now tune the rig to the band and frequency you want to perform your alignment on. -» 28 & 50 MHz on "left" display, 146 & 435 MHz on "right" display.
Press & hold the "right" DIAL button to switch between the different alignment menus. (A-0 REF -» A-8 BAT SC)
A-0 REF is Reference Frequency tuning. To adjust Ref. Freq. press PTT and tune with DIAL knob.
(Do so with 435.050 MHz on "right" radio display and tune with "left" DIAL knob.) Measure TX freq. with freq. Counter.
A-1-TUN is Front-End Tuning. (ONLY for Experts.!!!)
A-2 PWR is TX Power adjust. To do so, switch the "right" band display to 440.050 MHz or 146.050 MHz and to desired power level (low, mid2, mid1 or high).
Press PTT and adjust power with "left" DIAL knob.
-» 28 & 50 MHz frequencies require to be displayed on "left" main band, adjustments are made with "right" DIAL knob.
A-4 DEV is FM-Deviation adjustment.
-»28/29 & 50 MHz frequencies should be displayed on "left" display.
Adjustment with "right" DIAL knob.
-»144 & 435 MHz frequencies are displayed on "right" transceiver display, adjustments are made with "left" DIAL knob.
A-5 DCS adjusts DCS freq. deviation and should not be tampered with.
A-6-CTC does the same for sub-tone CTCSS frequencies. (factory adjustment o.k.)
A-7-SM L/V should be performed for each band as well and is normally not necessary. (S-Meter adjustment for S1 and S9)
A-8 BAT SC calibrates the voltage value displayed on the TRX. (Set power supply to 13.8 VDC and store by pressing "left" band [SCN] key.)
-» To exit Alignment Mode just power off the TRX. (Hold "right" volume button for
more than 2 seconds.)
-» Power on the transceiver to resume normal operation.
Important notice: perform alignment carefully as you may easily screw up your TRX .! Remember, you do so at your own risk.
Don't try to adjust any value if you do not know exactly what you are doing.!
Don't try to adjust A-3 PRO values, as this is done at the factory only.