By removing a resistor on the back of the front panel you can save approx. 12-15 mA on receive. On long backpacking expeditions this may result in significant power savings.
Disassemble the tranceiver, remove the front panel whilst taking care to carefully disconnect the cable between the front panel and the body of the radio.
Remove the rubber band on the VFO knob, and remove this knob as well as the locker underneath.
Then remove the sel knob by pulling it off. Subsequently remove the screw holding the front panel print and carefully pull out the print card.
The LED is located on the front of the print card, above the hole for the VFO knob. It looks like a small plastic rectangle with 4 connections. You will find two resistors just to the left of the LED.
Remove the resistor which is closest to the VFO hole; not the resistor closest to the top edge.
Carefully reassemble the front panel whilst making sure that all the rubber knobs are in place.
When you power up the radio no green light should be on on receive, whilst the red TX lights up on tx as before.