It is not difficult to program your radio and if you followed the above mods from the other amateurs, it will be very easy.
Let's assume you have a radio for VHF use and 16 channels.
- Make a list of the channels and decide wich frequencies you want to put in. I made channel 16 a scan-channel that scans all the other 15 channels.
- Read the codepulg data from the radio. When you do this, you are sure that you can read and program the radio.
- Save the file to disk and make an extra copy of it on a different directory. If you f*&ked up the data, you can always reload the backup. I have experience with that...
- If you have Hex-editor or something like that, you can easily change the radio's serialnumber! Just open the file you just saved and change the serialnumber. Now you have your own. I put my name in it...
- Go to the programming section in GP-300 and press F2 to change the use of sidebuttons etc. I made SB-1 the "Nuicance delete" button. When scanning the other channels, it is possible that the radio stops at a channel where there is only a carrier. When pushing this button, it won't stop there anymore, until you re-activate the scanningmode.
Also set "Alarmtones on" if you want the extra sound-features. When doing this, you will get a tone when turning power on, activating scanmode and (optionally; check the other field below) when battery is low. If, during scanmode, the radio stops at a busy channel, you can't ofcourse see which one it is. When you leave scanmode and by turning the rotaryswitch you pass that channel where the radio stopped, you'll hear a beep. This is to identify that it is the busy channel you were looking for. Very handy! Haven't seen that on HAM-radios before...
Unfortunately you'll get a beep everytime you release PTT. But, there is a way to remove the beep.
- Go to the menu where you can set several operation modes and identification modes. Here you have to add a mode which has "phone" in it. I don't know the exact name anymore... There you can set wether you want a PTT sidetone or not. Set these fields to "no" and there will be no sidetone for channels with this PTT-mode. Ofcourse, you will have to set every channel with this mode, otherwise every channel has default no mode, so you'll get a sidetone... and you don't want that!
- Go to the mode-menu and there you can set your channels with the different mode we set at point 6.
- On channel 16 you can set a scan channel. Make the channel non-conventional "scan" and press "Scan List". Now you will get the scanlist of channel 16 where you can see 15 available channels and channel 16 n/a.
Now, go to the first field and make it n-pri. This means that it is not a priority channel. I made channel 13, my local repeater, PRI, so when the radio stopped at a different channel when scanning, it will still be looking to channel 13 every second and when channel 13 is busy, it will switch to that channel and leave the previous. This may be very useful.
Now, the rest should be no problem for you. I will put my GP300 file on my site and you can download it. In that case you will only have to change the frequencies.
I hope you will enjoy this great radio. I carry it with me all day and I use it a lot. I made my programmer my self and put 3 clamps on it to put on the back of the radio. I made a little peace of wire on the BUS-strip so that I could always clamp it. It works perfectly!